To Be or Not To Be...
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This is a trending topic in the #edchat discussion on Twitter. 21stPrincipal has made some ground shaking comments about electronic devices which I have to say, I kind of agree with. "Simple Cell Phone Policy: None, only ask them to put it away when it distracts them or others." and "Why do we continue to fight the Cell Phone Battle? We are losing!" Additionally, students are bringing their e-readers and Ipads in the library, as well. I am not going to ask a student to put away their Kindle in the library - Duh!
Currently, my thoughts are leaning toward considering the appropriate use of electronic devices in the library when students ask for permission. I am hoping that provides some accountability and some reminder that we are in a learning environment. I'm not sure outlawing the use in the library setting is an appropriate response to their presence in our students' lives. Instead, I am hoping that by providing some guidance and positive modeling, we can make better use of those resources in the learning environment.
This philosophical debate lends itself to the discussion of technology integration as a whole. I am reading Heidi Hayes-Jacobs book, Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World. I found this through Twitter as well. Basically, we are expecting our students to function in the 21st century but often educating them in the 1980's. I don't think it is a matter of funding because there are plenty of free resources out there for educators, but instead it is the manner in which we teach. We can't put Smartboards and projectors in classrooms and call them technology integrated. Technology integrated has to mean instruction that is engaging and learning that is authentic. A fabulous librarian that I met during the first few months of this school year told she doesn't ask her students to complete any task that isn't authentic and applicable in another area of their lives.
We are on some boggy ground, but also in a position to be a part of some exciting shifts in thought and learning.
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