10 Things any Class Can Do With an iPad

Image Retrieved from apple.com
Ready to think outside the box?  How about we get rid of the box? Regardless of content area, there are so many amazing and engaging ways we can use iPads in the classroom.  The following list is just the tip of the never-ending iceberg of possibilities.  

Poll Everywhere: Project small group discussion results on classroom screen or create a running narrative/description
Socrative: Check for understanding with m/c or short answer
Google Drive: Access student accounts and district domains for collaboration & creation
I-nigma: Project QR code on a screen.  Students scan for website, read & respond
Colorbox HD: Create summary of a story, concept or lesson
Comic Touch: Take photo relating to lesson and summarize
Common Core: Search and identify standards they have mastered in your class
Evernote: Create accounts (accessible from any device - anywhere) & compile ideas, articles, & notes
Flashcardlet: Students create their own flashcards to study and share
Haiku Deck: Create and share presentations on any topic or concept

**Bonus**Show Me: Create animated presentation to illustrate or describe any concept through drawing and importing photos.


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