Inspired by Google

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Yesterday, I had the greatest collaborative meeting.  Our conversation stemmed from Mrs. G's desire to integrate the new iPads into her research project and further advance her goal to be as paperless as possible this semester.  We went through Google Docs, Drive, and how we could pull all of those pieces together into a cohesive and authentic research project.  It was awesome.  In addition to that, we continued our discussion throughout the day through Google Chat as we fined tuned the reading selections the students would have available to them.

It took alot of conversation and her whole plan period including some live practice with sharing and commenting on documents, but the results were so amazing.  It felt like we were really shifting the learning experience for our students toward something incredibly powerful and dynamic. Citations, research, and notetaking will still be an integral part of the process, but with Google, students will have access to comments and the collaborative process, as well as access from any computer.  Granted, I don't have to write the papers, but I am so excited for the process.

Thanks, Mrs. G for taking the leap and I am so proud of the strides you are making in the technology race. Our students will be the winners.
