The Librarian Has Left the Building

Yesterday I attended my first librarian workshop. Last year, as a first year librarian, I felt like I couldn't leave my library. Too much work to do, too many this, not enough that. The place would crumble without me. By the end of the year, I was out of energy, ideas, and good humor. I attended a technology workshop in late May and also presented at that workshop. I came away from those two days with the realization that I may be busy, but I am a much better professional when I step away and recharge my batteries. The air was charged with ideas and creativity, and I felt like a sponge soaking up all the great stuff floating around.
One of my goals for this year is to take advantage of those opportunities, both personally and professionally. The Library Goddess is sending us weekly reminders to take care of ourselves, even though she knows we will probably still take care of everyone and everything before we do so.  I registered for two conferences this fall and promised myself I would NOT feel guilty for leaving the library in the hands of my capable helpers. Carving out time for some favorite Twitter chats (#tlchat & #nebedchat) is on the agenda, as well.  I also promised myself a regular visit to the Butterfly Pavilion at HDZ just to walk through and visit the fluttering beauties.
Yesterday was one of those conferences and today I am back in the swing.  I spent the day diving into great digital resources and stopped at the apple stand on the way home. The building is still standing and I have a calmer and lighter spirit.


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