Has the Librarian Left the Building - NETA 2013

 I realized well into my first year as a librarian my craft was really about connections: some literal (like climbing a ladder and disassembling a Wirelss Access Point) and others more figurative (helping students make connections between their own experiences and something really abstract and scary like poetry).
There was one failing connection that really surprised me.  The connection to our students with regard to reading. Alarming - because that's why I became a librarian and it was what I spent the least amount of time doing. When I asked some other librarians, they were having the same quandry.  
How can I connect students to great book choices when I'm not in in the library - or often times, even in the building. 

Social Media is a powerful tool in making this connection
1. Models digital citizenship
2. Advocates for your library & creates transparency
3. Provides power professional development for you as a librarian

Books/Articles to Read on Libraries and Social Media

King, D. (2012). TECHNOLOGY: Dispatches from the Field. Social
       Media?. American Libraries43(11/12), 27.

Steiner, K. (2012). Strategic planning for media. Chicago: ALA

Solomon, L. (2012). Librarian's nitty-gritty guide to social media.
       Chicago: American Library Association Edition.

Smallwood, C. ed., (2012). Marketing your library. Jefferson, North
        Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc. 


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