Great Minds and All That.....
Have you ever experienced synchronicity? It's that bizarre feeling that things have just spun out of your control and are about to come together in an amazing way? Chatting with the dynamic Lynn Kleinmeyer (@THLibrariZen) via Twitter about scarves, coffee, and library shenanigans brought about my latest brush with synchronicity.
Shortly before NETA15, Lynn sent me a message asking my thoughts on a librarian chat...... and my response was, "Me too!" And then came the Instagram post about Miss Suzy, and then the Canva discussion, and then, well, we pretty much took over the Social Butterfly Lounge at NETA15. We scribbled on the white boards, spun in the chairs, and hugged each other's friends. And we made plans for the launch of the Midwest Teacher Librarian Twitter chat. (Did I mention, we went totally fangirl meeting Shannon Miller (@shannonmmiller)? - we did that, too)
As librarians, we often function in a place of professional awkwardness. We are never alone, yet we are alone. Our libraries are filled with students, researchers, makers, readers, teachers, learners, and we are elbowing our way into the hearts and classrooms of the
teachers in our buildings. We become the fix-it people, leaders, and problem solvers. We wear a lot of hats and have our hands in a lot of cookie jars. It's pretty easy to get overwhelmed and often difficult to find another educator who travels our road. Twitter has been the resource for inspiration since I became a librarian. The rockstars I have followed for years are the people I turn to for ideas, guidance, and laughter. Many of those whom I met have become my closest friends in "real life." I was honored to be a part of the epic phenomena #nebedchat which has brought together many a great mind over the last several years, and I am excited to partner w/ Lynn as we launch a chat for teacher librarians. Join us Wednesday evening (5/13/15) @ 7:30pm as we kick off our chat series with a half hour discussion on Summer Reading.
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