Untangling All Those Cords

Image retrieved from ehow.com
If you peek into my office when I am actually sitting at my desk, you will usually see me trying to untangle my computer cords unsuccessfully at least once a day.  My desk may be a wreck and my cords a mess, but my technology gadgets are all in order.  This is mainly because of some invaluable tools that my husband has shared with me during from his Technology Bootcamp and Twitter chats.  First, after lugging my laptop home after a long day, I realized I couldn't access my files because.....I wasn't on the school NETWORK!  Nice...the laptop never made it out of the car.  Enter, Google Docs.  I uploaded all my current unit lesson plans to Google Docs and plan to create a folder for my elementary library lesson plans, as well.  I also downloaded Evernote to my iphone and each laptop.  I have been dumping lesson ideas, staff technology notes, and books I find and need to review for our library.

The constant tangle seems representative of my journey as a new librarian.  Each cord has an important function and it's up to me to keep them untangled and working properly.  Sometimes the tangle gets pretty nasty and sometimes it just takes some time to sit down and straighten it all out.  And it is necessary to take that time -  to clean your desk, office, shelf, whatever.  Part of untangling is also unplugging... and I am becoming a huge advocate of the unplugged moments in life.  As the stack of unread books, magazines, and professional articles piles up, it's ok to go "old school" and curl up with some actual paper reading material.

Finally, a HUGE shout out to Kristin Fontichiaro and Buffy Hamilton for their new publication School Libraries: What's Now, What's Next, What's To Come. Published electronically, downloadable, and awesome!


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