You Will Want to Quit - But Don't.
This day will come. You will look around your library and realize you may have made a huge mistake. Don't turn in your keys. One of the things I did not realize about the first year as a new librarian is that you are also a new teacher. If you have your head in your hands, everything on your desk is swimming, and you are having trouble breathing - you are having a first year teacher moment. That day has come and gone for me - in fact I have had a couple of those days and fully expect a few more. The experiences that saved me will find you, as well. First, my students - thank the good Lord for them. I have a handful of senior boys who make me laugh and with out knowing it, seem to find me whenever I am having a weak moment. Second, I met with another librarian for my graduate class. We found a common connection in some of the experiences we had faced. I can't express in words my gratitude for the time she spent with me on my assignment, but more important, the experiences she shared about her first year. I didn't feel so isolated and I realized that this time will pass and I will be a better librarian. There is someone out there who will know your pain, frustration, and fear. If they aren't in your building or in your district - they are there and you will find them. Finally, I am so very thankful for my family - most of all my husband. As a principal, he herds his own flock of new teachers in another district but has time to listen and guide me through my first year.
Find the blessings in even the smallest triumphs, stay focused on the kiddos, and stay strong. Been there - still there - but not giving up.
Find the blessings in even the smallest triumphs, stay focused on the kiddos, and stay strong. Been there - still there - but not giving up.
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