
Tell Your Story as a Connected Educator this week at NETA15! As you know, I am a social media maven loving life on Instagram and Twitter where I celebrate my profession and my students. One ofmy FAVORITE parts of NETA14 was rocking the InstaWalk (pretty crazy happy about that Fashionista badge) so I was giddy with glee when @morgetron asked me to join her in coordinating this year's journey. 

The InstaWalk is a super groovy good time and a great way to archive your NETA adventures and share the love 'cause this PLN rocks it everyday for every student. You also earn some pretty sweet badges you can post and rub in noses (Did I really say that..... Yeah.... Yeah I did) 

So here we go, kids.  If you aren't on Instagram (and if not...... WHY?) here are some basics:

1. Download the Instagram app onto your smartphone or tablet. Create an account.
2. Give Instagram permission to use your photos.
3. Capture a photo you want to share.
4. Upload it to Instagram.
5.  Caption it with any info you want to share + #NetaInstaWalk15 + the hashtags that correspond with the badge you are attempting to earn. (For Example: New Shoes for NETA15 #NetaInstaWalk15 #Beautiful #EduFashion). Hashtags are listed below for each category.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
  • If you have a PRIVATE Instagram account, we won’t be able to see your pics, even if you hashtag them.  You can friend either Jodie or me, which is an option.
  • If you do not have a private Instagram account and you use these hashtags, there is a chance we will re-gram you on #NETA’s Instagram account or on one of our accounts.
  • There is also a chance that your photo may end up in the slide show at the end of Day 1 or during Day 2 at some point.

And Here are the Groovy Categories for this Year's #NETAInstaWalk15: Take a look at the categories and then during NETA if anything rocks your world, snap a photo and Instagram it with the accompanying hashtags.  Jodie and I will be watching Instagram during the conference and we will send you the badges you earn.  Pretty sweet, huh? 

Fashion! What is your style? How about other styles you admire? Show us your #NETA15 #EduFashion!
To earn the #Beautiful award, post a picture of your favorite #NETA15 fashion. It might be YOUR own fashion. It might be the fashion of one of your friends. It might be the fashion of a complete stranger who will become your friend after you tell her/him how much you love her/his fashion. Be sure to include the following hashtags to get full credit for this challenge:
#NetaInstaWalk15 #Beautiful #Youngbloods #EduFashion

Which friends (old and new) did you see at #NETA15
To earn the #WithALittleHelpFromMyFriends award, post a picture of your and your friends. This is selfie time USA. Don’t hold back. If you have a selfie stick, I hope you brought it.  Be sure to include the following hashtags to get full credit for this challenge:
#NetaInstaWalk15 #WithALittleHelpFromMyFriends #TheBeatles

What were your magic moments at #NETA15?

To earn the #ThisMagicMoment award do your best to capture what you consider to be a magical #NETA15 moment. Be sure to include the following hashtags to get full credit for this challenge:
#NetaInstaWalk15 #ThisMagicMoment #TheDrifters OR #JayAndTheAmericans

Enlightened you? Made you think?
There is so much to learn at NETA, pretty sure this will be an amazing category.  Be sure to include the following hashtags to get full credit for this challenge:

#LetTheSunShineIn #FifthDimension #NetaInstaWalk15

What did you eat while you were at #NETA15?  To earn the #AmericanPie award, post some pics of your breakfast, coffee break, or your lunch.  Be sure to include the following hashtags to get full credit for this challenge:
#NetaInstaWalk15 #Foodie #AmericanPie #DonMcLean

If you Earn all the Badges Above? Well, then, YOU are a movin’ groovin’ machine.

If you think you have earned all five badges, be sure to post a picture of ANYONE or ANYTHING from the conference and in the caption, please use the following hashtags:
#NetaInstaWalk15 #Kodachrome #PaulSimon #IAmAMovinGroovinMachine

If you have questions, send Jodie (@morgetron) or myself a message (@cynthiastogdill)  or snag us at NETA and we will get you back on track.  Additionally,  Here is a link to Jodie's blog (Thanks, girlfriend for letting me borrow from your blog!) with more great info! 


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